I walked out the door and felt the warm sun gently kiss my glistening brown skin. There were no clouds in the sky and the birds sang in melodic harmony. I shrugged off the feeling of checking the weather channel and decided the sky would stay this way until I made my way back home.
I picked a fluffy white dandelion and made a wish.
Five minutes into my walk I felt a breeze against my skin. I was not too far on my journey to turn back home and grab a jersey, but I figured the breeze would not turn into a ghastly wind.
Twelve minutes into my journey, I looked up and saw a few grey clouds in the sky. I was so taken by the views of the lush mountains that I had not noticed the appearance of the first cloud. I felt the breeze again, though this time, it was cold enough to make me rub my arms in an attempt to warm them up.
I started to feel raindrops on my skin.I walked into a shop and purchased a raincoat and some boots. I convinced myself the sun would once again shine and so it did. I saw a glimpse of its sparkle through the grey cloud which had grown in size since I first saw it.
Again, I shrugged off the feeling of going back home and decided to go on with my walk.
The birds still sang but not as consistently.
The flowers still bloomed but seemed duller than before.
I saw another fluffy white dandelion, except when I tried to pick it this time, I pricked the tips of my fingers on thorns that hard started to form.
I looked up and the sky was no longer blue with clouds of grey.
The sky was grey with an onyx boulder that seemed to be rolling and rumbling through it.
How did THIS elude me?
Before I can find another shelter to run into, ghastly winds rip through the sky and tumble me around before bringing me to my knees. The rains fall with great force and create the sensation of needles being hurled at my skin.
Fists fall onto my face and back like hail stones sent to destroy my temple.
The raincoat and boots do not shelter me from this storm as they did from the drizzle, but they do remind me that soon enough, I shall find another store in which I can seek refuge.
And so, I do. I sit in the warmth offered by a different store and allow the storm to pass me by. My silky brown skin is now a myriad of blue and purple bruises. As I rub my arms once more to try and bring warmth, I wince in pain as I feel the tender hill like bumps scattered across my terrain.
This day has turned into a nightmare that haunts the passages of my dreams and the pathways in my body.
The sun shines again but I find it to be deceitful.
I no longer pick dandelions, or any other flower.
My skin has healed but the scars have roughened its silkiness.
My heart still breaks at the memory of the thunderstorm that almost broke me, and it remains ever grateful at the lightning bolt that chose to strike a tree instead of me.
Short story by Nomfundo Gumede.
Image by Victoria Rusyn.
According to the South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP), Gender Based Violence (GBV) is regarded as a human rights violation and a major barrier to achieving gender equality as well as an obstacle to a country’s development. During times of crisis, such as pandemics and war, GBV escalates dramatically.
Violence specifically directed at someone because of their biological sex or gender identity is classified as GBV. It can occur publicly or privately. It includes, verbal, physical, sexual and psychological abuse. As well as threats, coercion and deprivation, for example, economic or education.
It is important to remember that GBV does not discriminate. Nor does it confine itself to specific communities, socio-economic standing or income level. Any person of any race, age, gender, sexual orientation or religion can be a perpetrator, victim or survivor of GBV.
Image by: Yohanes art
Too many women and children have a shared gender based violent experience and too many of us do not always seek help when we need to due to various reasons such as:
Protecting women and children will continue to be our plight for as long as this pandemic exists. We will continuously hold hands with those that are willing to stand with us as a shield to those that need it. Empowerment through education, therapy, healing spaces, and resources, all wrapped with the bow of love is how we will be able to change the near and distant future.
The month of September will be dedicated to spreading information and awareness. Please stay tuned.
Abundance in Light is a women led and youth led Nonprofit Company that is focused on empowering diverse girls and young women
© Copyright 2023 - Abundance In Light
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